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Currently reading

The Cambridge Companion to Literature on Screen
Deborah Cartmell
Pathways to Language: From Fetus to Adolescent (The Developing Child)
Kyra Karmiloff, Annette Karmiloff-Smith
Why I Write
George Orwell
A Dance With Dragons
George R.R. Martin
The Arabian Nights (New Deluxe Edition)
Anonymous, Muhsin Mahdi, Husain Haddawy
The Casual Vacancy
J.K. Rowling
Les Misérables: Volume One
Victor Hugo
Dramaturgy and Performance
Cathy Turner, Synne Behrndt

Love Letters to the Dead

Love Letters to the Dead - Ava Dellaira I absolutely loved this book. It was all kinds of amazing, and I would have liked it to be twice as long, just so I could enjoy it for a while longer. Full review will be up on my blog/vlog channel later. http://booksnotlovers.tumblr.com / http://youtube.com/booksnotlovers. I highly recommend this for everyone.